Sunday, September 02, 2007
Care your eyes (email)
I'd share it with you. 20-20-20
Step I: After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.
Step II: Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.
Step III: Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood Circulation for the entire body.
5 DONT'S when you are sleeping (email)
Watches can emit a certain level of radioactivity. Though small, but if you wear your watch to bed for a long time, it might have adverse effects on your health.
Scientists in America have discovered those that wear bras for more than 12 hours have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. Well the same goes down there for guys..... imagine having a prostectic part. So go to bed without it.
Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. Therefore if you need to put your mobile phone near you, switch it off first.
People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep.
You may never wake up again.
Diabetic Diet Tips' (email)
I bet you're asking yourself, “What is this nut talking about? Of course, there is such a thing as a diabetic diet! My grandmother's been on one for years…”
Well, you're not wrong about your grandmother. For generations, experts believed that people with diabetes must follow a strict, no sweets, calorie-restricted diet to keep their blood glucose levels under control.
But more recently, experts have come to realize that all that is really needed is that the person with diabetes follows the principles of a healthy diet.
So what does a healthy diet entail? In short, a healthy diet follows the rules of the Food Guide Pyramid.
This means you eat meals that:
• are moderate in complex carbohydrates, such as beans, vegetables, and grains
• are low in fat, especially saturated fat and cholesterol
• include protein, such as meat, poultry, fish, and tofu
• are high in fiber, which is in fresh vegetables and fruits as well as whole-grain breads and some cereals
• are low in sugary foods and sweets
• include only moderate amounts of alcohol
The great news is that eating healthy not only helps control diabetes. It also benefits you in many other ways, such as having a healthier heart, more energy, and losing weight!
So, if you have recently been told you have diabetes or prediabetes, you may need to learn how to eat differently if you want to stay healthy. But anyone who wants to be healthy—
whether they have diabetes or not— should follow these eating rules. It's just that it's even more important when you have diabetes.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Gallstones Removal (6-day treatment) Email
Pictures first, explanation and procedure follows:
1. Liver
2. Common Bile Duct
3. Gallstones
4. Gallbladder
It has worked for many. If it works for you please pass on the good news. Chiu Nan is not charging for it, so we should make it free for everyone. Your reward is when someone, through your word of mouth, benefits from the regime. Gallstones may not be everyone's concern. But they should be because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. "Cancer is never the first illness," Chiu Nan points out. "Usually, there are a lot of other problems leading to cancer.
In my research in China, I came across some materials which say that people with cancer usually have stones. We all have gallstones. It's a matter of big or small, many or few.
One of the symptoms of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal. You feel like you can't digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area." So if you think you have gallstones, Chiu Nan offers the following method to remove them naturally.
The treatment is also good for those with a weak liver, because the liver and gallbladder are closely linked.
1. For the first five days, take four glasses of apple juice every day. Or eat four or five apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During the five days, eat normally.
2. On the sixth day, take no dinner.
3. At 6 PM, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.
4. At 8 PM, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.
5. At 10 PM, take half cup olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage.
PS. 1cup=250ml, ?cup lemon juice=3 lemons (aprox.)
The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. "Usually they float," Chiu Nan notes. "You might want to count them. I have had people who passes 40, 50 or up to 100 stones. Very many."
"Even if you don't have any symptoms of gallstones, you still might have some. It's always good to give your gall bladder a clean-up now and then.
Importance of having Breakfast (Email)
Healthy living
For those who always skip breakfast, you should stop that habit now! You've heard many times that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Now, recent research confirms that one of the worst practices you can develop may be avoiding breakfast.
Because the frequency of heart attack, sudden death, and stroke peaks between 6: 00a.m. and noon, with the highest incidence being between 8: 00a.m. and 10:00a.m.What mechanism within the body could account for this significant jump in sudden death in the early morning hours?
We may have an Answer.
Platelet, tiny elements in the blood that keep us from bleeding to Death if we get a cut, can clump together inside our arteries due to cholesterol or laque buildup in the artery lining. It is in the morning hours that platelets become the most activated and tend to form these internal blood clots at the greatest frequency.
However, eating even a very light breakfast prevents the morning platelet activation that is associated with heart attacks and strokes. Studies performed at Memorial University in St.Johns, Newfoundland found that eating a light, very low-fat breakfast was critical in modifying the morning platelet activation. Subjects in the study consumed either low-fat or fat-free yogurt, orange juice, fruit, and a source of protein coming from yogurt or fat-free milk. So if you skip breakfast, it's important that you change this practice immediately in light of this research.
Develop a simple plan to eat cereal, such as oatmeal or Bran Flakes, along with six ounces of grape juice or orange juice, and perhaps a piece of fruit. This simple plan will keep your platelets from sticking together, keep blood clots from forming, and perhaps head off a potential Heart
Attack or stroke.
So never ever skip breakfast
Learn How To Eat Instant Noodle Correct (Email)
Normally, how we cook the instant noodles is to put the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for 3 mins around and then ready to eat. This is the WRONG method of cooking the instant noodles.
By doing this, when we actually boil the ingredients in the powder, normally with MSG, it will change the molecular structures of the MSG causing it to be toxic. The other thing that you may or may not realized is that, the noodles are coated with wax and it will take around 4 to 5 days
for the body to excrete the wax after you have taken the noodles.
So the CORRECT method, which you may or may not know, is to cook the noodles this way -
1. boil the noodles in a pot with water.
2. once the noodles is cooked, take out the noodles, and throw away the water which contains wax.
3. boil another pot of water till boiling and put the noodles into the hot boiling water and then shut the fire.
4. only at this stage when the fire is off, and while the water is very hot, put the ingredient with the powder into the water, to make noodle soup.
5. however, if you need dry noodles, take out the noodles n add the ingredient with the powder and toss it to get dry noodles.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
How to survive a heart attack when alone (email)
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing conscious. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.
A deep breath should be taken before each cough, the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives !!! Don't ever think that you are not prone to heart attack as your age is less than 25 or 30. Nowadays due to the change in the life style, heart attack is found among people of all age groups.
Are you drinking the right tea?(email)
1. People who use their "brain" to work or students who study hard day and night --- should drink more Chrysanthemum Tea.
2. People who needs a lot of body energy to work or those people that do a lot of exercise everyday --- better to drink Wu Loong Tea.
3. People who travel in a bike or work in dirty and poluted places --- should drink more Green Tea.
4. For those people who likes to sit down all day long and not doing anything even exercising --- must drink Green Tea and Flower Tea.
5. People who smokes and drink a lot of alcoholic drinks --- should drink more Green Tea.
6. Carnnivore ( Those people! who must eat meat at least once a day, or else felt sick or not feeling well --- try to drink some Wu Loong Tea.
7. Those people who go to the washroom too often or too less --- should drink more Honey Tea ok!
8. People with high cholesterol and high blood pressure --- Wu Loong Tea, Green Tea.
9. Modern man whom "work" with the computer everyday --- needs to drink A Lot of Tea (any tea will do, alright!). Whenever you are working with the computer, you should make some tea, drink it when you are free.
Drinking Tea is healthy, it can protect and prevent the harmful ultraviolet light from harming us (when using computer ).
Furthermore, it can also cure us when we are tired and help making our body feel fresh again. but according to tea experts, should not drink too much, may cause high blood pressure.
Monday, January 15, 2007
7 DON'Ts after meal (email)
Experiment from expert prove that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarette (chances of cancer higher)
2.* Don't eat fruit immediately -
Immediately eat fruit after meal will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.
3 * Don't drink tea -
This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be harden thus difficult to digest
4.* Don't loosen your belt -
Loosen belt after meal will easily caused the intestine to be twisted & block
5.* Don't bath -
Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach
6.* Don't walk about -
People always say that after meal walk a hundred step will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake
7. * Don't sleep immediately -
The food we intake were unable to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.
Fruit Medication (email)

1. Guava and "Yang Mei" (Red Bayberry) contain more ascorbic acid and are not suitable for anyone with stomach problem.

2. Persimmon and peach contain more tannic acid. Anyone with regular constipation should avoid or cut off completely.

3. Grape, mandarin orange and cherry are heaty fruit and are not suitable for anyone with heaty body.

4. Pear and banana are cooling, pregnant ladies or anyone with weak spleen or diarrhea should not take.

5. Apple and pineapple, on the other hand, is neutral in nature and is suitable to people in any health condition.
Anyone who is sick should choose fruit based on the illness.

1. "Shan Cha" (Hawthorn) can reduce the blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

2. Longan can prevent liver from damage.

3. Red dates can enhance the blood, spleen, stomach and detoxify the body (such as relieve heatieness or fever).
4. Mandarin orange is a supplement to calcium.
5. Pear can enhance our lungs' ability, reduce heatie and phlegm.
6. Banana can help to people suffering from constipation hepatitis patient should take fruits with rich vitamin C and carotene.
Diabetes patient should take fruit with low sugar level has significant impact on their health condition. Although fruit can have medication effect, we should be careful in taking fruit together with our medicine. This is because acid in the fruits can neutralize the alkaline in the medicine and reduce the effect of the medicine. Some Chinese medicine prescriptions even forbidden the patient from taking any fruit or melon.
Fruit should be taken at the appropriate time and appropriate quantity. Too much fruit of cooling nature or acid will be harmful to spleen and stomach.
Eating too much fruit of heaty nature will cause heaty problem. Eating too much fruit with more sugar content will cause "Fruit Urine Disease". The most appropriate time to eat fruit is about 1 hour after meal.Fruit should not be eaten before meal as it will affect your appetite. Acid in the fruits will also crystallize the protein in the food and affect digestion and absorption. When eating fruit, we must remember to wash the fruit and peel the skin. This will take away any remaining pesticide on the fruit which may result in food poisoning.