Sunday, September 02, 2007

Diabetic Diet Tips' (email)


I bet you're asking yourself, “What is this nut talking about? Of course, there is such a thing as a diabetic diet! My grandmother's been on one for years…”

Well, you're not wrong about your grandmother. For generations, experts believed that people with diabetes must follow a strict, no sweets, calorie-restricted diet to keep their blood glucose levels under control.

But more recently, experts have come to realize that all that is really needed is that the person with diabetes follows the principles of a healthy diet.

So what does a healthy diet entail? In short, a healthy diet follows the rules of the Food Guide Pyramid.

This means you eat meals that:

• are moderate in complex carbohydrates, such as beans, vegetables, and grains

• are low in fat, especially saturated fat and cholesterol

• include protein, such as meat, poultry, fish, and tofu

• are high in fiber, which is in fresh vegetables and fruits as well as whole-grain breads and some cereals

• are low in sugary foods and sweets

• include only moderate amounts of alcohol

The great news is that eating healthy not only helps control diabetes. It also benefits you in many other ways, such as having a healthier heart, more energy, and losing weight!

So, if you have recently been told you have diabetes or prediabetes, you may need to learn how to eat differently if you want to stay healthy. But anyone who wants to be healthy—
whether they have diabetes or not— should follow these eating rules. It's just that it's even more important when you have diabetes.

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